May 14, 2017


So thankful for my Mama, a godly woman, who raised the four of us in a Christian home and taught us about Jesus from the time we entered the world.  She did so mainly by her example.  Thank you Mama for setting the bar so high for my example of what a Mom should be!  Love you so much!

I was pampered to a steak dinner by my sweet husband, breakfast by Adam & Jillie, calls from Brandon & crew and Clayton & crew.  A beautiful note from Tina & Miranda. One also from Nunu and Lana.  And my sweet sister.  Plus many well wishes via texts and emails.  A most generous gift from my Secret Sister at Gateway along with a beautiful vase of flowers.  Another occasion of feeling very humbled and blessed.  Thanking HIM for it all!

Especially thankful for my three daughters-in-love, who are the most perfect mates for our sons and terrific Moms to our grandchildren.  They are incredible women who are raising absolutely wonderful  little people and training them up in the way of our Lord!.


May 1, 2017


Jillie invited us to visit, have dinner and attend Grace's tennis practice and Cael's basketball game.  Bob & Sheila met us there.  A fun evening!