August 26, 2013



Fun moments when trying to snap a picture and the boys are acting so goofy, we all are laughing...or when Beckham (aka.Bubba) decides he is "Goin Dino" (which translate to I will shake my fist and hold my breath and turn into a dinosaur)...or just when Braddock cuddles with Mom and provides some great shots!

Erica's good friend, Corie, took some pictures of all of us at a park, before we left Jax and headed back to Springfield...hope to have them on the blog soon!

August 18, 2013


As Brandon & April finished up their Florida vacation and were traveling back to their new home in Va. they stopped in Atlanta for a quick visit with Adam & Jill.  Jill snapped some great shots of the cousins these guys!!

"OH PAPA"!!!

The boys so enjoy their Papa!  He wrestles, sword fights, plays ball, chases them, reads to them, and they follow him around like the Pied Piper!  We often hear "Oh Papa"!!!  They were so excited to hide two rubber snakes on Papa's pillow to surprise him...their laughter was contagious!

Papa & Bubba sharing a snack

"Read Papa, read"

Love that dimple!

Lots of help!    :-)

Too funny!


"We tricked you, Papa!"

August 17, 2013


We bought a new car!   Gonna' retire our Highlander after 11 years of faithful service (actually, giving it to our niece) and decided to buy a Mazda CX-5.  Got a red one, which matches our Harley!  I think we are gonna' like it a lot.  Steven had his Mazda Miata for 14 years and loved we are hoping for a long life with this one!  :-)

August 16, 2013


The main reason for our trip home to Jax this time was to attend the ordination service for one of our Kachin's.  Steven was asked to speak at the ceremony to ordain Lamung Tu Lum and was honored to do so!  He is now Rev. Lamung Tu Lum and it is so exciting to see how God has richly blessed his journey into full time Christian service.  It was an inspiring ceremony and, as always, we left them feeling so very blessed that in 2001 God allowed us the privilege of meeting, knowing and loving them al!

August 15, 2013



We were honored to attend the funeral of April's "Nanny" on Saturday.  She was quite a lady and it was our blessing to know her these past thirteen years.  Her funeral was very fitting and highlighted a Proverbs 31 Woman, so glad we could be in town for it.   The girls did very well throughout the entire morning...thanks to their sweet big sister, Taylor, who always entertains!

Braddock & Beckham were excited to see us and always remind us that we "live far, far away in Massachusetts!"    :-)

Happy Boys!

Sidewalk Chalk Fun!

Planes Movie!

Definitely Thumbs Up!