Our little Arianna & Alayna gave us a scare this week. Erica started having multiple contractions and then her B/P dropped and pulse shot up and she almost passed out. She was admitted to St Vincent's Hospital and for the past three days we have spent many moments in prayer that those girls would not come at only 30 weeks! The staff at the hospital has been phenomenal...even including Braddock & Beckham in their care for Erica. They are so family centered. We are thankful that with great care and good meds, the contractions have slowed and her vital signs are once again within normal range. We are praying that soon she will be able to return home and that Arianna & Alayna will stay put within Mama for a few more weeks!
Our "lefty" writing the date |
Dad giving some help |
"Are you OK, Mom?" |
Good Job! |
Sweet Nurse Cameron |
Papa & I are holding down the fort with Erica in the hospital and Clayton at Drill this weekend. They love Papa's iPad, it is always a request when we come for a visit. Schedules are a little off...so sweet Bubba naps whenever and wherever he feels the urge. :-)
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