July 7, 2012

125th Fighter Wing

On June 10th, Steven retired from his military career as a National Guardsman.  He faithfully served this great nation for 28 years.  He began his service in the green uniform of the Army and ended in it dressed in Air Force blue!  His service to our great country as Chaplain, Lt Col Steve Thompson, allowed him a platform to share the love of our Christ to many men and women.  He was able to share the Gospel message both here at home and abroad, as he served tours in France, Iraq, Philippines and Kyrgyzstan.

He was loved and respected by all at the 125th Fighter Wing and his presence there will be greatly missed.  He was honored with so many wonderful and kind accolades and we were showered with so many nice items as remembrances.  Matt and Darlene Ferris presented him with the Minuteman Statue that he has wanted for some time, now.  It now is the focal point of the entrance to our home on wheels!  We were given matching shirts with his "iCare" logo on them (thanks Gary!).   Be sure to check out our webpage at: www.pastorsteveministries.net.  We were given a very nice set of luggage carriers for the Harley and also a very generous amount of cash to use as "diesel money" for our next trip!   His accomplishments at the 125th are many, especially bringing Clayton on board.  The Thompson name will live on there for many more years to come!

The Guard has been so good to us over the years.  The people we have met over the years have enriched our lives and made us proud to know them.  Good people, who sacrifice so much to keep us a free nation.  And the monetary aspect of his service proved to rescue us over and over again as it always seemed to cover ends that just were not meeting!    :-)   So it is with much gratitude that we close out this chapter of our lives.

                                       GOD BLESS THE USA!!!

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