Today Steven & I have been married for 42 years! It is amazing how many blessings we have been given by God in the past 42 years: The JOY of being brought together, the privilege of raising three incredible sons whom we love very much and have made us so proud. The wonderful "daughters" He provided to share their lives are absolutely perfect for each of them and the sweet grandchildren that delight our hearts...ten here and two on the way! Our wonderful extended family who share in our joys and pray for our sorrows and the many, many friends that God has blessed us with over our four decades as a couple! We are so, so thankful.
To update from the last entry. Erica is back home, still living her life from the couch. She was allowed to go home, but has to report in daily for monitoring of the girls. The Dr is hoping she can go another couple of are we! Tomorrow makes 33 weeks!
My sweet sister flew to be by Sheri's side as they said "goodbye" to George and held his memorial service. Prayers being offered up for Sheri, as life will be different without her Dad there. Praying that she finds Hope in Christ as He fills that void. We love you, Sheri.
Some moments in our family in the past week:
Beckham loves my new slippers. |
Cael showing Grace snow...not a sight in Ghana! |
Sweet Riley has teeth! |
Happy Birthday, Lauren (niece, left) with Ginnis & Maeve |
Tina's new office name plate! |
Addyson & Kynley turned three!!! |
Taylor on trampolene in snow!?! |
Liz at church with friends |
Adorable Maeve! |
Sheriff Callie Party! |
Cute, Cute, Cute! |
Sweet Kynley making a wish! |
Blowing out candles! |
Fresh pedicure makes me happy!! |
Sweet e-card from Steven, as we are apart. Will celebrate later. |
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