September 28, 2013


The New England Fair is held here in Springfield every year and it is a really big deal!  People come from all over New England for two full weeks of all kinds of fun!  Each state has a building that is filled with all of the great things/activities that they are known for.  Our church volunteers in the Vermont building at the Cold Hollow Apple Cider Mill booth, and the money earned by the members is donated to the church at the end of the fair.  So Steven and I put in many hours!!  We were assigned the apple pie area, I sliced more apple pies than you could ever imagine...and Steven was the king of ice cream scooping.  Together we made a mean apple pie alamode!!

We also put in a lot more hours at the Child Evangelism Fellowship (
booth.  It is a great organization that shares Jesus with children by teaching them how to make witnessing bracelets as we share HIS story.  The exciting thing is that as we share with the children...the parents overhear...and many seeds are planted.  And God will use those seeds for their good and HIS glory.

1235 lb pumpkin!


Many, many rides

Watched as chicks hatched!

The lobster was well represented!

Petting Zoo

The line for baked potatoes was six deep!

Our badges granted us free entry everyday

A Full Amusement Park

Dino Exhibit

Animated Shows

Country Fall Displays

Witnessing Bracelet Supplies

Steven sharing

Two Parades Daily

Apple Pie, anyone?

Wood carving 

Elephant Rides

1 comment:

  1. That looks like so much fun. ( I would have LOVED to have tasted some of the apple pie alamode that you & Steve spooned up!)
    Thank you SO much for commenting today - I'd somehow misplaced your blog address!
    Hope you're all doing well.
