April 5, 2012


Tuesday, April 3rd

What a gorgeous day we woke to! Sunshine and no winds! Felt like God was giving us a respite from the wind storms, so took advantage and headed into Vegas on our bike. It was a bit chilly on the ride in (one hour away), but we layered-up and leathered-up and off we went!

One sad thing we have discovered about Nevada, their economy seems to revolve around and strive on gambling. There are Casinos on every block, literally every block. And they don't call it gambling, they call it "Gaming". The money that is poured into these machines is mind boggling.

A funny "small-world" thing happened once we arrived on the strip. Mama had remembered that my best friend from elementary school, Janet, currently lives in Vegas and she happened to have her phone number. So, I called her and she met us to catch-up...really catch-up, since we had not seen each other for over 40 years!!! Fun stuff!

1 comment:

  1. So fun that you got to see your school friend! Love it!
