It is amazing how fragile we are when it comes to the things life throws at us. As fearfully and wonderfully made as we are, (Psalm 139:14) our bodies can be easily ravished by disease and accidents. A fact that is obvious to all of us who have had someone we love go through one or the other.
I have often heard those who were going through a deep valley in their lives, say, "I have such a peace about this". What a wonderful, yet unusual statement. A little hard to believe...unless you have experienced it yourself.
I have recently had a minor valley of my own. Seems there is a small "non-calcified nodule" in my right lung. Which over the past year had grown 3mm. My Dr. ordered a CT Scan followed by a PET Scan to rule-out a tumor. During the couple of weeks it took to accomplish all the testing...I felt that peace. It was a definite, heart calming sense that everything would be alright, no matter what the final diagnosis turned out to be.
"A peace that surpasses all understanding" (Phil 4:7) is a great way to state it. It is a bit bizarre to think that one would not worry or stress over something that should rightly worry or stress you! But, I can honestly say...I definitely experienced that total peace. I knew in my heart that, even if the outcome would mean, surgery or chemotherapy or radiation or harsh drugs...that HE would walk with me through it all. Such a marvelous and miraculous feeling.
My final diagnosis was not bad news (Praise HIM), just a nodule that will be checked periodically to assure it stays as it is now. So, I am thankful I do not have to face a battery of medical procedures, however, I am MORE thankful that my heart was fixed on HIM and resting in the calm assurance that HE purposes my days ( Prob. 16:9) and no matter what...HE would continue to grant me HIS peace through it all.
Thank you, Jesus!